Reduce Food Packaging

Switching from EPS Foam containers and plastic utensils to reusable trays, cups, plates, and utensils can make a big difference.
Switching from EPS Foam containers and plastic utensils to reusable trays, cups, plates, and utensils can make a big difference.
Community cleanups are a social, hands-on way that teens can help cleanup the litter and debris that gets washed down storm drains and into our waterways where it can pollute the water and injure marine creatures.
Volunteer, place-based grassroots groups are committed to creating a clean water future for their communities. Through water quality monitoring, education and outreach, and assessment.
Using reusable dish ware saves businesses money overtime, they use far less energy over their lifetime, and the chances of them polluting our waters is much lower than disposable counterparts.
EPS Foam from cups and to-go containers is one of the biggest sources of litter pollution in our streams and rivers, and that foam can cause damage for centuries.
Parking lots are impermeable surfaces that need to be cleaned regularly to decrease the stormwater runoff that carries litter, debris, sediment, and chemicals into storm drains.